Woman Loses 154 Pounds with Lap-Band

rancho cucamonga lap bandKim Barrows tried everything she could to lose weight, including diet pills, dieticians, even Weight Watchers. Yet the thing that finally helped her to lose more than 150 pounds was a Lap-Band procedure, according to a story in the Times Tribune. This modern treatment is currently one of the most popular weight loss surgeries in the US.

The Lap-Band is one of a trio of commonly recommended bariatric surgeries which includes gastric bypass and gastric sleeve. Though relatively modern techniques, these procedures have endured many years of safety research and improved techniques, making them trusted by experts across many fields.

Lap-Band Procedure Gaining in Popularity

Each patient has different chemical and personal reasons contributing to their situation.  Barrows had improperly functioning hunger regulation sensors, “I could eat a turkey dinner, and two hours later, eat another turkey dinner,” she said. “Now, I don’t think about food. It’s a miracle. For me, it is such an incredible blessing. It’s unbelievable.”

The Lap-Band is effective because it decreases the size of the stomach, helping patients lose up to 50% of their body weight in some conditions. By decreasing the size of the stomach, the hunger impulses are decreased, making the patient feel fuller sooner and helping them to eat less overall food.

This process works similarly to the other two main bariatric surgeries, but each offers distinct options and considerations. For this reason, some patients may be better suited by certain surgeries rather than others. With proper changes to portion size, diet and lifestyle, patients may be able to permanently lose weight and keep it off. Other important factors for patients include minimizing their intake of alcohol, taking multivitamins and drinking plenty of water.

Barrows is certain that she made a good choice with her Lap-Band procedure. “I don’t recognize myself in the mirror,” she says. “Without a doubt, it was the best decision I ever made.”

Photo by TipsTimes on Flickr.

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