Lap Band Results: What to Expect After Weight Loss Surgery

Lap Band Results: What to Expect After Weight Loss Surgery

Lap band surgery offers a wealth of benefits for patients battling obesity. It could be the right procedure for those who want a less-invasive option than other traditional weight loss surgeries. Lap band surgery, also known as the adjustable gastric band or laparoscopic bariatric surgery, involves placing a tube around the upper portion of the stomach to limit food intake and suppress hunger. If traditional weight loss methods haven’t worked for you, lap band surgery may be the answer.

Here’s what you can expect with lap band results:

Gradual Weight Loss

Since this procedure will suppress your hunger and limit the amount of food you can eat in any given sitting, you will start to lose weight steadily after the procedure. The rate of weight loss depends on your starting weight, state of health, and other factors. Patients can expect to enjoy progressive results for weeks and months after weight loss surgery.

Fat Loss

Your body will start to shed fat as you lose weight and you can expect to keep the weight off as long as you are following the meal plan and exercising as recommended by your doctor. Since the lap band procedure helps you stick with a calorie-restricted diet, ongoing fat loss can be expected.

Suppresses Appetite

One of the biggest benefits of undergoing lap band surgery is that the procedure suppresses the appetite so you will not feel hunger pangs. You will still be eating smaller portions of food throughout the day and will feel fuller with less food. Since your calorie intake will be lower, you can expect to lose weight without having to suffer through hunger pangs.

Adjustable Weight Loss Surgery

Your weight loss surgeon can adjust the level of saline within the band to allow more or less food into the stomach. This will ensure your procedure is completely customized and controlled based on what is best for you. You will need to come in for weekly or biweekly appointments for your adjustments.

Lap band surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia and can be completed within 30 to 60 minutes. If you have been unsuccessful with other weight loss methods and are ready to make a positive change in your life, talk to us about lap band results! Schedule your lap band consultation today.

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