Fitness Resolutions That are Better Than Losing Weight, According to The Every Girl

Anyone who has struggled with their body image has at one point or another obsessed about the number on the scale. However, as we tell our weight loss patients, the focus of your journey should be about improving your health and feeling your best, not about a specific number of pounds.

That’s why we wanted to share this article from The Every Girl. It offers 7 suggestions for changes you can make in your life that can help you get fitter and healthier, provide a sense of accomplishment, and boost your mood. And guess what? With many of these, weight loss is a very likely side effect.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and every health and weight loss transformation starts with the first small step.

We highly recommend you read the article and see if you’re inspired to try a few (or maybe all!) of these resolutions. But before you do, here are some of suggestions from our weight loss surgeons for steps you can take to improve your health and celebrate your body and it’s beauty:

Think baby steps

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and every health and weight loss transformation starts with the first small step. So don’t put too much pressure on yourself to make giant changes all at once. It’s easier than you think to jumpstart your healthy habits with small, simple tweaks to your routine. For instance, set a goal to double the amount of plain water you drink each day for 2 weeks, and notice the benefits: you’ll find your complexion glowing, you’ll feel more energetic, and you overall health will improve.

In addition to upping the water intake, try stretching each morning. Slowing adding in a routine of stretches can increase flexibility over time, an important aspect of physical health.

Commit to participate in an event

Nothing makes us to rise to the occasion like having an important event looming on the calendar. If you need motivation to stick to your fitness routine, sign up for that 5K that is months away or plan an epic adventure to climb a mountain with your BFFs. By giving yourself a goal to work toward, you’ll take the necessary steps to prepare, which will put your health at the top of your priority list.

Make it a group effort

When we fly solo, it’s easy to make excuses when we just don’t feel like working out or to swing by the drive-thru instead of preparing a healthy meal. An easy solution? Find an accountability partner or group exercise class to avoid pitfalls in motivation. Having a trusted friend share in your experience can help keep you motivated and supported.

Additionally, if you have a bit of competitive nature, group fitness classes can you keep your momentum up. If others are keeping up the pace, it’s a nice reminder that you can too!

Getting support for your fitness resolutions

When it comes to getting healthy, it’s the journey, not the destination that matters most. Getting support on your personal journey is also key.

If excessive weight is making physical activity a burden for you, surgical procedures can be used to help prompt new, healthy habits. At Surgical Arts of Inland Empire, our experienced, compassionate Rancho Cucamonga weight loss surgeons work with a variety of patients to help them succeed in their mission to improve their lives and restore their health.

If you’ve tried to feel more confident and physically fit but have not seen the results you want, contact us today to learn more about the many innovative options we have for supporting weight loss and health. We’ve helped change many lives and would love to help you too!

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