Lose the Weight for Good with the Realize Band in Rancho Cucamonga

Realize Band Rancho Cucamonga
If you are experiencing health problems because of obesity and have struggled to lose weight with traditional diets, talk to Dr. Haiavy about the Realize Adjustable Gastric Band. Weight loss surgery has been the answer for many people who want to lose a significant amount of weight without compromising their health. Medical weight loss programs that allow the patient to lose weight gradually can help to keep the weight off for the long-term and also improve quality of life.

Do I Need Weight Loss Surgery?

Only some obese patients are candidates for weight loss surgery, and those who do undergo the procedure need to commit to making healthy lifestyle changes for life. This may include adopting some healthy eating habits and exercising regularly. The Realize Band in Rancho Cucamonga is typically performed laparoscopically and the band is placed on the upper part of the stomach to limit food intake. If you have always struggled with your appetite and have difficulty regulating your food intake, you may be a candidate for weight loss surgery. Patients undergoing this procedure must have a body mass index of 35 to 40 and be dealing with one or more obesity-related health issues.

Life After the Realize Band Procedure

You will need to make changes to your eating habits right after surgery because your stomach will no longer be able to accommodate large amounts of food. This will become easier over time as your weight starts to decrease and you feel more comfortable eating smaller quantities of food. Dr. Haiavy will provide a nutritional guide that you will need to follow closely during the recovery process.

Many patients enjoy a higher quality of life as they start to lose the weight with the Realize Band. Some health issues that can be resolved with significant weight loss include:

  • Type II Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Heart Disease
  • Sleep Apnea
  • High Cholesterol
  • Body Aches and Pains

It can take up to two years to lose most of the excess weight after surgery and gradual weight loss may occur after that. Patients who commit to a healthy diet and stick to an exercise regimen maintain results for life and enjoy a significant improvement in their health.

If you are ready for permanent weight loss, schedule your Realize Band consultation with Dr. Haiavy today!

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