Does insurance cover bariatric surgery?

Our insurance and billing specialists can help you determine what your plan covers

The cost of weight loss procedures is often covered by Medicare or private insurance, but your doctor must find that weight loss surgery is medically necessary for you before you have surgery in order for your procedure to be covered. Insurance plans vary in their requirements for patients to qualify for these procedures, and each insurance plan works differently to determine what portion you are responsible for paying.

We will help you with the insurance process

At Surgical Arts of Inland Empire, we have a full-time insurance specialist on staff to help you navigate the complex insurance payment process so you can concentrate on getting ready for your procedure.

If you’d like to help determining your insurance coverage details prior to your appointment, call our office 909-579-3111 and ask for Corina, our insurance specialist.

Questions? Contact Surgical Arts of Inland Empire in Rancho Cucamonga